Tuesday, November 22, 2016

For Those That Don't See the Light,

I understand how hard it is to be unable to see the light at the end of your dark tunnel.  I know it's even harder when you realize that you won't be seeing any brightness for a while.

I get how discouraging it is.  It's hard to be strong for something that you know won't be happening anytime soon.  It's even worse when you know how wonderful your light could be, but you don't know when you'll see it. 

I know that others are telling you to just stay positive, keep your head up, and to remain hopeful.  I also understand, that if it were that simple, you wouldn't be struggling so much.

I understand how much you want to scream when someone says to just keep your eyes on the prize.  You probably feel like saying, "No, really, didn't think of that!"  The worst part is, they feel like their advice is like a bandaid; like it could cover up all your hurts and wounds.

If a bandaid could take away the pain you feel, you'd gladly cover your body with them.  The truth is, all the bandaids in the world couldn't heal you right now and the only thing that will, you know won't be happening any time soon.

I know right about now, you're shutting down.  You're tired of pretending to be happy and positive.  You don't feel strong enough to smile when you're frowning inside, or laugh when you barely feel like you're holding on.

You might even be on the verge of giving up all hope.  You're tired of fighting, and you're tired of not knowing when your fight will be over.

You're feeling too much, and you don't want to feel anymore.

You may think it's easier to just never feel again.  

I used to think that way.  I used to be that person that tried so hard not to feel anything besides happiness.  It took a while, but I'm slowly learning that's not the way to live.  

I understand now that it's not healthy not to feel.  I know now that it's okay to cry and to get help when you're struggling.  I understand that it doesn't make you weak to admit to others that you aren't feeling your best.

It took a while for me to understand that it's okay not to be okay.  It's okay to feel what you feel, and it's okay to be overwhelmed.  

If you are at that point where you can't see the light, I want you to know that everything will be okay.  It might not seem that way right now but I promise, one day, it will be.  I know that you may not believe me and to be honest, I don't know if I believe me either...  But I have to keep the hope alive because if I don't have hope, I have nothing getting me through these dark times.  

I hope that you can hold on and tap into the promise of a hopeful tomorrow.  For when we lose hope, we lose a reason to fight.

Please remember that.  

I hope that these words make your tunnel feel a little less dark, and offer you a little light in the midst of the blackness.


Someone Who Cares


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