Tuesday, November 22, 2016

To My Students,

I never knew how much you'd all mean to me.  I don't know how you managed to worm your way into my heart, but you did.  You really did, and quite successfully I might add.

Actually, that's not 100% true.  I know exactly how you managed to become such a big part of my heart and life...  It was simply by being amazing, creative, kind-hearted, and unique individuals.

I can't help but smile everyday when I'm with you all.  The energy you all have is infectious.  I could be having the worst day imaginable but the moment I'm with all of you, all of that goes away.  You guys make being anything but happy an impossible task.

What's even more amazing than you guys being apart of my heart...  Is that you have allowed me to be apart of yours.  I don't take that honor lightly.

Whenever one of you guys smiles at me, shares a personal story with me, or gives me a high-five in the hallway, I am reminded of the role that I play in you life.

I am not just your teacher.  I am your confidant, your cheerleader, your doctor, your protector, and your hurt-healer.

Even when I'm exhausted and caffeine deprived, I know that my purpose in your life is to give you my 100% effort, attention, and affection.

You guys make my days worthwhile.  For such little kids, you guys are powerful.  You guys have such a gift for spreading joy, love, and happiness.  I would know, because I feel all of those things everyday because of you all.

I am so thankful for each of you.  All of you hold a special place in my heart.  And even though I'm supposed to be teaching you, I think each of you are teaching me way more than I could teach you.


Someone Who Cares

For Those That Don't See the Light,

I understand how hard it is to be unable to see the light at the end of your dark tunnel.  I know it's even harder when you realize that you won't be seeing any brightness for a while.

I get how discouraging it is.  It's hard to be strong for something that you know won't be happening anytime soon.  It's even worse when you know how wonderful your light could be, but you don't know when you'll see it. 

I know that others are telling you to just stay positive, keep your head up, and to remain hopeful.  I also understand, that if it were that simple, you wouldn't be struggling so much.

I understand how much you want to scream when someone says to just keep your eyes on the prize.  You probably feel like saying, "No, really, didn't think of that!"  The worst part is, they feel like their advice is like a bandaid; like it could cover up all your hurts and wounds.

If a bandaid could take away the pain you feel, you'd gladly cover your body with them.  The truth is, all the bandaids in the world couldn't heal you right now and the only thing that will, you know won't be happening any time soon.

I know right about now, you're shutting down.  You're tired of pretending to be happy and positive.  You don't feel strong enough to smile when you're frowning inside, or laugh when you barely feel like you're holding on.

You might even be on the verge of giving up all hope.  You're tired of fighting, and you're tired of not knowing when your fight will be over.

You're feeling too much, and you don't want to feel anymore.

You may think it's easier to just never feel again.  

I used to think that way.  I used to be that person that tried so hard not to feel anything besides happiness.  It took a while, but I'm slowly learning that's not the way to live.  

I understand now that it's not healthy not to feel.  I know now that it's okay to cry and to get help when you're struggling.  I understand that it doesn't make you weak to admit to others that you aren't feeling your best.

It took a while for me to understand that it's okay not to be okay.  It's okay to feel what you feel, and it's okay to be overwhelmed.  

If you are at that point where you can't see the light, I want you to know that everything will be okay.  It might not seem that way right now but I promise, one day, it will be.  I know that you may not believe me and to be honest, I don't know if I believe me either...  But I have to keep the hope alive because if I don't have hope, I have nothing getting me through these dark times.  

I hope that you can hold on and tap into the promise of a hopeful tomorrow.  For when we lose hope, we lose a reason to fight.

Please remember that.  

I hope that these words make your tunnel feel a little less dark, and offer you a little light in the midst of the blackness.


Someone Who Cares


Thursday, November 17, 2016

To the Young Girls in My Life and All Around the World,

I need you to understand a few things.

                 YOU ARE UNIQUE,
                        AND YOU ARE BRAVE.

If nobody has ever told you those 4 facts, I am honored to be the first.  I hope that, if you don't believe them now, one day you will.

I understand how hard it is to be a girl.  It's probably the most difficult job that I've ever had.  There are so many rules, and so many different things to remember.  You're supposed to always be happy, even when you're sad.  You're supposed to smile, even if your world's caving in.  You're supposed to look pretty on the outside, even when you're a mess on the inside. 

I know that it seems that the weight of the world is on your shoulders, and that you have to always be perfect because if someone sees you mess up, your life is over.  

I know that there's a lot going on right now.  I know that there's probably so much going on, and you're wondering how you'll be able to get through it all.  You may feel like nobody understands you. You may even feel like you're invisible.  

I want you to read this next sentence very carefully.  You are not invisible.  I know how hard you are trying.  

I understand the sleepless nights.  I know all about that crying until you fall asleep thing.  I understand you.  

I want you to how wonderful you are, even when you feel like you're not.  I want you to understand how beautiful you are, even when you don't want to look in the mirror.  I want you to know how strong you are, even when you feel like you're not.  

Most importantly, I want you to know that you are loved.  You are so loved.  Even when you feel like you're not, you are.  

I love the beautiful, intelligent, kind, and special girl that is wonderfully you.  


Someone Who Cares

For Those That Have Anxiety,

I understand how hard it is to live with a mind that is in constant turmoil.  I know how it feels to have no control over the thoughts swirling around in your head.

I understand that when the panic hits you, you can't control it.  You can't slow your heart rate, you can't stop the shaking of your hands, and you can't turn off the terror you are feeling.

I understand the sadness you feel when you learn that those you love don't understand the pain you struggle with everyday.  I know how much you want to scream every time someone tells you to "Stop worrying."

I know that you wish it was that simple.  I know that you wish it was that easy to shut off the panic in your mind.

I also understand that it's not that easy.  It's not easy to quell the fear running rampant in your mind, and the pain settling in your heart.

I know that if it was that simple, you would do it.  You would stop all the thoughts.  You would stop the feelings that totally consume your entire being.

I understand.  I truly understand.

I suffer with anxiety everyday.  I know how crippling it is.  I get the anger you feel when people try to minimize the panic you feel.

I understand that on some days, you feel like you're drowning.  I know how much you struggle to get to the surface, because you can almost feel the breath of fresh air that you so desperately need to get into your lungs.

I know that on those days, it's the hardest to break the surface.  I know that you are struggling so much, and it feels like you will never get your head above the water.

On the days you feel the lowest, I want you to try and remember that your highest is coming soon.  You can do it.  You can get your head above water.

I want you to remember that it is okay to ask for help when you are struggling.  I want you to know that there's no shame in talking to someone about your fears, your panic and struggles.  Please, always remember that there are others that understand.

Please understand that you are not crazy.  You are loved.  You are beautiful.  You are wonderful.

I know that it may not feel that way at times, but you are!  You are a fantastic you!

When that panic hits, remember it's okay to not be okay.  However, also know that when the panic ends and you feel like you are lower than low, that it's the perfect time to try and get up.  To try and build yourself back up, stronger than before.

Always remember to get up.  Keep on keeping on and know that even though you are struggling now, tomorrow is a new day, with new hope, and great possibilities.


Someone Who Cares

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

For The Girl Who Had Everything Taken From Her,

I'm sorry.  I'm sorry that you are going through so much pain.  I'm sorry that somebody took your happiness, your idea of perfection, and your love for granted.

I'm sorry that you are feeling:

                   AND HURT.

It's not fair that the person you thought was your everything, caused so much despair in your heart and confusion in your mind.  

I'm sorry that you feel like all hope is lost.  I'm sorry that you feel worthless.  I'm sorry that they had so much power over you that they felt like stealing your voice, your confidence, and your control was acceptable behavior.

I'm more sorry that you didn't realize that the yelling, the pain, and the control wasn't normal.  I'm so sorry that you thought that was all okay.

I'm sorry that we don't teach our girls at a young enough age that nobody should be able to dull our sparkle, control us, and wield so much power over us.

I'm sorry that you feel like your life is going off the rails.  I'm sorry that the person you loved caused you to feel so sad, so hurt, and so hopeless.  

I'm sorry that you don't understand how wonderful you are.  I'm sorry that this person entered your life, hurt you so much but yet, killed a part of you when they left.  

I'm sorry.  I'm sorry that you don't see a point of keeping on.  I'm sorry that you are just getting by, living your days on auto-pilot.  I'm sorry that, at times, you don't even see the joy in your days anymore.

I'm sorry that this person left your life, and a part of you left too.

I understand that you feel as if you will never be whole again.  I understand that you fear that you will never be happy.  I understand that every fiber of your being wants to move on, but you can't.

I want you to remember that you are gold.  You are more than gold.  You are the entire rainbow leading up to the pot of gold, plus you're the pot of gold!  You survived the unhealthiness and abuse of this relationship, you will survive the recovery from it.

Just remember to breathe, inhale and exhale, and trust in your journey.


Someone Who Cares

To Those That Feel That Everything is Going Wrong,

I know that the world seems like a tough place right now.  It probably feels like the universe is conspiring against you.  


I know that right now, you are feeling discouraged, disheartened, and confused.  You're noticing that staying positive, working hard, and giving it your all isn't helping you succeed.  You are losing faith in yourself.  You don't understand why nothing is going right.

You're probably angry. You're probably frustrated.  You might even want to give up.  You might be at a point where you don't even think trying anymore is worth it.

It's okay to feel this way.  You are allowed to feel pissed off.  You are allowed to feel like the world is caving in.  It's okay to think that everything is going wrong.  

What is not okay, is giving up.  When we give up, we lose.  When you feel lower than the earth itself, that's when life is getting ready to hand you something incredible.  

It can be hard to remember that.  It can be hard to remember to keep on keeping on.  I understand.  I am at this point right now in my own life.  

I promise you, it will all get better.  Don't give up hope.  Remember to always keep going.  Do what you feel isn't worth it.  Do the impossible.  Do what scares you.  Be a doer.  Don't let fear of failure, stop you from trying things that set your soul on fire.

Because...  Just around the corner from, "Everything is going wrong," is "Everything is now going right."  


Someone Who Cares