Wednesday, November 16, 2016

For The Girl Who Had Everything Taken From Her,

I'm sorry.  I'm sorry that you are going through so much pain.  I'm sorry that somebody took your happiness, your idea of perfection, and your love for granted.

I'm sorry that you are feeling:

                   AND HURT.

It's not fair that the person you thought was your everything, caused so much despair in your heart and confusion in your mind.  

I'm sorry that you feel like all hope is lost.  I'm sorry that you feel worthless.  I'm sorry that they had so much power over you that they felt like stealing your voice, your confidence, and your control was acceptable behavior.

I'm more sorry that you didn't realize that the yelling, the pain, and the control wasn't normal.  I'm so sorry that you thought that was all okay.

I'm sorry that we don't teach our girls at a young enough age that nobody should be able to dull our sparkle, control us, and wield so much power over us.

I'm sorry that you feel like your life is going off the rails.  I'm sorry that the person you loved caused you to feel so sad, so hurt, and so hopeless.  

I'm sorry that you don't understand how wonderful you are.  I'm sorry that this person entered your life, hurt you so much but yet, killed a part of you when they left.  

I'm sorry.  I'm sorry that you don't see a point of keeping on.  I'm sorry that you are just getting by, living your days on auto-pilot.  I'm sorry that, at times, you don't even see the joy in your days anymore.

I'm sorry that this person left your life, and a part of you left too.

I understand that you feel as if you will never be whole again.  I understand that you fear that you will never be happy.  I understand that every fiber of your being wants to move on, but you can't.

I want you to remember that you are gold.  You are more than gold.  You are the entire rainbow leading up to the pot of gold, plus you're the pot of gold!  You survived the unhealthiness and abuse of this relationship, you will survive the recovery from it.

Just remember to breathe, inhale and exhale, and trust in your journey.


Someone Who Cares